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Face Pouch

Face Pouch


Soft and ornate, this facial scrub is a tool for skin care and massage, and provides a host of benefits. The facial pouch is made of cotton material and can be filled with plant extracts, seeds or other natural materials.


Massaging the face with this scrub improves blood circulation in the skin. The facial pouch stimulates circulation in the face and neck area with a gentle massage movement. This allows more oxygen, nutrients and moisture to be transported to the skin cells. This makes the skin look more lively and bright.


You can rejuvenate, relax and rejuvenate your skin by incorporating a soft facial scrub into your skincare routine. However, it is important to always be careful to choose the appropriate ingredients, depending on skin sensitivity.

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“An excellent product, the skin absorbs easily, the feeling it leaves is nice, I love it.”


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